Through GRAIN, 易胜博app安卓下载已经成为美国寄宿学校学费控制方面的领头羊.
The GRAIN initiative, adopted as the school's #1 strategic priority in 2014, 控制学费,同时增加获得经济援助的学生人数,并保证学校将考虑所有申请人,而不考虑他们的支付能力.
Beyond "Need Blind" Admission:
易胜博app安卓下载在做出录取决定时不会考虑家庭的经济状况. 支持贯穿学生在易胜博app安卓下载的岁月,使所有的学生都能充分利用易胜博app安卓下载的经验. Many receive funding for summer study, global education opportunities, travel to and from school, supplies including books and laptop computers, spending accounts, and travel for parents headed to campus for Parents Weekend. 从等候名单中被录取的申请人与在3月份被录取的申请人一样,接受“不考虑需求”的对待.
At Groton, 我们希望确保申请人可以加入我们的社区,无论他们的家庭经济状况如何.
易胜博app安卓下载私立学校教育的一个比较持久的误解是它负担不起. In fact, financial aid awards granted by Groton are, by and large, significantly more generous than those offered by American universities. 易胜博app安卓下载的经济援助评估是基于这样的假设:家庭最终将面临大学教育的费用, too.

Do not assume you will not qualify for financial aid. Families from many different income levels qualify for aid each year. Groton is committed to inclusion. 普遍认为寄宿学校是只有富人才能负担得起的地方,这继续阻止人们考虑这种优秀的教育形式的选择.

Since 2008, Groton School has waived tuition, room, and board for students from families with incomes below $80,000. 这一政策反映了学校的认识,即易胜博app安卓下载的巨大资源和易胜博app安卓下载教育提供的承诺应该提供给所有人. Again, do not assume you will not qualify for aid.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Bill Riley, Groton's Director of Financial Aid, at 978-448-7510 or

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of William Riley

    William Riley 

    Director of Financial Aid, Dorm Head
Tuition & Fees
Tuition '24–25 Room & Board
Technology Fee
Health Fee
Other Expenses
  • Books $600
  • Laundry service (optional) $1099
  • Coin/App operated laundry $100
  • Incidentals (art & other class supplies, bus vacation travel, equipment etc.) $500
  • Music lessons (optional) $1,100
  • Spending money $600

Financial Aid Facts

List of 4 items.

  • 40%

    Students on Financial Aid
  • $46,519

    Average Boarding Grant
  • $32,371

    Average Day Grant
  • $6.79m

    Financial Aid Budget

Inclusion Scholars

Who Gets Financial Aid?


To a family, 一所学校提供的经济援助的数量没有他们必须支付的学费那么重要. 本页上的图表揭示了易胜博app安卓下载大学慷慨的经济援助计划,以及学校为家庭提供便利的承诺, of neither high nor low income, who sometimes assume they will not qualify for aid.

其中一张图表列出了不同收入阶层的家庭数量,以及他们今年被要求为孩子在易胜博app安卓下载的教育捐款的金额. 这个饼状图显示了在不同收入阶层中有多少学生获得了资助.

请记住,虽然收入是评估家庭贡献的主要因素, we also consider assets, tuition expenses at other schools, the size of a family, debts, and other factors.

The Talented Missing Middle

GRAIN also placed special emphasis on the group Mr. Maqubela often calls “the talented missing middle.” Often assuming that they will not qualify for aid, 这些家庭在大学阶段背负着沉重的贷款,很少考虑像易胜博app安卓下载这样的私立学校. “私立学校的学生怎样才能获得真实的经验呢?. Maqubela, “if we omit the talent from an enormous socioeconomic group?”

New Families Applying For Financial Aid

To begin the financial aid process, create an account in Clarity.

所有新的和返回的候选人必须每年完成一份经济援助申请. The application typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. Please refer to these resources for guidance:
The application fee is $60. 如果您在申请方面需要帮助,您可以通过电子邮件获得英语和西班牙语两种语言的支持

Important Points About Financial Aid

  1. 学校不提供基于特定才能或特质的奖学金. 经济援助是为证明需要经济援助的家庭提供的.
  2. 如果一个家庭认为他们在孩子在易胜博app安卓下载的任何时候都需要经济援助, they must apply for aid at the outset. 如果在入学申请过程中没有要求,家庭将不被考虑提供援助. If a family’s financial circumstances change significantly, the School will make every effort to provide assistance.
  3. 易胜博app安卓下载的经济援助委员会将考虑亲生父母双方的经济资源. 对于离婚或分居的父母,父母双方都应该填写一份Clarity申请.
  4. Groton actively seeks students from all socioeconomic backgrounds. We allocate $7.1 million toward financial aid for our population of 380 students, and 42 percent of our students receive some degree of assistance.
  5. Be sure to apply for financial aid in a timely manner. The deadline for returning applicants is November 30. The deadline for new applicants is January 15.
如果您对财政援助过程有疑问,请易胜博app安卓下载的财政援助主任 William Riley

Tuition/Financial Aid FAQ

List of 9 items.